Wednesday, October 30, 2013

14. Another Encounter with the Police

There were occasions where I would try to get away from Jared (driving off) where he would end up chasing me down in his car and pulling out in front of me so that I couldn't escape. There was one such time when I was racing through the canyon in my car trying to get away from him, he sped in front of me, and then stopped his car in front of me (across both lanes) so that I could not pass without hitting him or his car. Keep in mind this was at night, it was dark, and it was a winding canyon road. So at any moment a car could have came flying around the bend and would have taken us both out because of what Jared was doing. This would end in me eventually giving in and following him back home, so that I didn't have to risk our lives out on the highway.

I had finally had enough, I was leaving him, and I was sticking to it regardless of what the consequences might be. I was losing myself, I was literally slipping away being stuck in this life acting as his puppet. I decided it wasn't worth it anymore, I couldn't save him, and it wasn't worth losing my life over. I was ready to stand up for myself, I told myself I was strong enough to walk away.  (By the way, the fact that I changed my phone number only lasted for about a day or two, then someone who I thought was my friend ended up giving Jared my new number)

He called me on my cellphone as I was on my way home from school with my little sister. I decided this was it, I told him I was finished with him, to leave me alone, and there was no way I was going back to him (of course the conversation was a lot more drawn out, and involved a lot of yelling and cussing back and forth) But the bottom line was, I was done. Come what may, I wasn't looking back. It felt so good when those words flooded out of my mouth, and I knew I meant them.

For the first time in about a year and a half I felt a tiny bit of freedom. I knew Jared well enough to know that things wouldn't be over that easily, he was bound to retaliate. But knowing that I wasn't going back regardless of what he did, gave me a sense of freedom and strength, I was done allowing him to have a death-grip on my life. After that phone call he continued trying to contact me relentlessly the rest of the night, but I ignored it. Until I made the mistake of mentioning that I had to pick up a check from my work, I wish those words wouldn't have made their way out of my mouth.

On my way home from work I saw his car sitting at a bend in the road, my heart started pounding in fear, what was he doing? Why was he there? He called, and I picked up my phone. He threatened; "Pull over or I'll wreck my car." There was no way I was going to willingly be around that lunatic anymore. Out of an attempt to hurry and make it home I sped up, trying to get away from him. He kept screaming in the phone, "PULL OVER OR I'LL WRECK MY CAR IN FRONT OF YOU!" I felt like my only way out was just to try and hurry home, it was only a few minutes away. I sped up to 75-80 mph when he came flying around my car, pulling out in front of me. He started swerving back and forth across the lanes until he abruptly turned left and went plowing into a fence. I couldn't believe what he just did, driving a little further, I pulled over and got out of my car. I wanted so badly to just keep driving, I did not want to go back for him, I was terrified of what I might find. I walked back to his car cautiously, I could tell he was okay, and I did not want to go near him out of fear for what he might do.

As I got to the car, I noticed an off-duty policeman driving further down the road about to pass us, I waved him down. Jared kept screaming at me from the car, "Don't you dare talk to him, I will kill myself." I had no doubt in my mind that it was a miracle there happened to be a cop driving by at that exact time...(it was night, and there were no cars on that road, except the cop that happened to come by) Even though the cop really wasn't much help, I knew I was being watched out for. I do not even want to guess what would have happened next if he didn't show up, because I had a very eerie feeling about it. I told the cop that Jared had purposely wrecked in front of me,  that he was suicidal and he needed help. During that time frame Jared had tried to wreck his car a couple more times by backing it up and slamming it into the fence again. You could tell that the cop really didn't care much about what was going on, but he tried calling someone on the scene anyways. After I told him what I knew, I ran to my car and went straight home. I did not want to be there any longer, I wanted to be far away from there.

Later I would find out that Jared took off running on foot through the fields trying to hide from the cops, he knew he was in trouble and didn't want to be around them. They didn't find him until hours later, but even at that point they did nothing. And Jared told his parent's that I made him wreck his car, that I ran him off the road. So now they hated me that much more, they were pissed because their car was totaled, and I had apparently just run their son off the road. When reality was he purposely wrecked, and almost killed both of us in the process.

Nothing positive ever came from that incident, his parents and the cops in that town still did nothing; so obviously I still didn't feel safe. It felt like I would never be safe.

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